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Does the textile coating affect the permeability of the material?
2024-09-06 01:35:15

Textile coating is a common textile processing technology, which realizes different functions and effects by coating a coating or film on the surface of the fabric. This treatment can provide properties such as water resistance, stain resistance, flame retardant or increase the fastness of the fabric. However, whether the textile coating will affect the breathability of the material depends largely on the coating material and treatment method chosen.

In textile coating treatment, water-based or solvent-based coatings are generally selected. Water-based coatings are more environmentally friendly and have less impact on human health and the environment than solvent-based coatings, but they tend to result in larger coating thicknesses that affect the breathability of the material. In contrast, solvent-based coatings can form thinner coatings that reduce the impact on fabric breathability, but their volatiles carry certain environmental pollution and health risks.

In addition to the choice of paint, the treatment method of the coating also affects the breathability of the material. For example, some coating treatments involve the use of heat treatment or high pressure treatment, which can cause the coating to form a film, which in turn affects the breathability of the fabric. However, different textile coating technologies are also being developed, and new treatment methods can reduce or eliminate the impact on air permeability.

Another factor is the thickness of the coating. In general, the thicker the coating, the lower the permeability. In order to ensure good air permeability while maintaining the function of the coating, the relationship between the two can be balanced by controlling the thickness of the coating. Different application scenarios may have different requirements for air permeability, and the coating thickness needs to be selected according to specific needs.

In addition, the pore structure of the coating also affects the permeability of the material. Some coatings can form fine pores in the fabric, so that the air permeability is maintained or improved. These pores allow air and water vapor to pass through while blocking the entry of liquids and particles. Therefore, the selection of coating and the control of pore structure during preparation are also important factors affecting the permeability of materials.

In general, textile coatings may have an impact on the breathability of the material, but the relationship between the function and breathability of the coating can be balanced by selecting the appropriate coating material, treatment method and controlling the coating thickness. In the future, with the continuous development of textile coating technology, it is believed that there will be more innovations and improvements, so that air permeability and functionality can be better combined.

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