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    Tooling fabric

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    Other special industrial cloth functional coating
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    2024-09-05 15:34:43

With the development of the industrial field, more and more manufacturing industries and industries began to pay attention to their tooling to improve work efficiency and employee comfort. In the design and production of tooling, the choice of fabric is crucial, tooling fabric has the following advantages:

1. Wear resistance: Tooling fabrics are usually exposed to harsh environments, such as heavy machinery manufacturers, construction sites and other workplaces. In order to ensure long-term use, tooling fabrics need to have good wear resistance to extend their service life and reduce costs.

2. Comfort: In some workplaces that need to wear tooling for a long time, employee comfort is particularly important. Tooling fabrics generally need to be soft, breathable, and flexible enough to make employees more comfortable at work and in sports.

3. Protective performance: Some work environments require specific protective measures to protect the body of employees. For example, hospital workers need to wear protective clothing to prevent contact with germs. In dangerous and high-temperature workplaces, such as the power industry, employees need to wear fire-resistant, heat-resistant workwear fabrics to protect their bodies from injury.

4. Stain resistance: Tooling fabrics usually come into contact with a lot of dirt and dirty things, and need to have stain resistance for cleaning and maintenance.

5. Self-cleaning performance: In specific industries, such as food manufacturing, tooling fabrics need to have good self-cleaning performance to avoid contaminating food and endangering the health of consumers.

6. Maintenance: The maintenance performance of tooling fabrics is also very important. It needs to be easy to clean and maintain in order to be used for long periods of time and for repeated use. In addition, some jobs require changing overalls every day, so the tooling fabric needs to be quick to dry and easy to iron.

7. Damage toughness: Due to the complex environment of some workplaces, employees wearing tooling may be hit and scratched by objects when working. Therefore, the tooling fabric needs to have good damage toughness to prevent premature wear or cracking of the fabric.

In short, there are many advantages of tooling fabrics, and with the development of technology, tooling fabrics are also constantly improving. For different industries and working environments, tooling fabrics need to have different characteristics and performance. Therefore, when selecting tooling fabrics, various factors need to be considered comprehensively to meet the needs of employees at work and improve labor productivity and safety.

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