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    Chemical fiber flame-retardant fabric

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    Flame retardant coating processing
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    2024-09-05 14:19:18

Chemical fiber flame-retardant fabric is an important material that can protect personal safety in fire. In the past few decades, the application range of chemical fiber flame-retardant fabrics has become more and more extensive, and has become one of the important materials for fire prevention in the fields of construction, transportation, military and home.

Chemical fiber flame-retardant fabric is a kind of synthetic fiber fabric with good flame-retardant properties, usually using polyester, polyamide, polypropylene, polyethylene and other chemical fibers as raw materials. Due to its advantages of light weight, softness and good processability, chemical fiber cloth has been widely used in clothing, decoration and other fields. However, under the action of high temperature for a long time, chemical fiber cloth is easy to burn and release a lot of harmful gases, which poses a great threat to personal safety and environment. Therefore, in response to this problem, people began to study chemical fiber fabric flame retardant fabric.

The production of chemical fiber flame-retardant fabrics requires special manufacturing processes, usually using chemical coating, fiber denaturation and other methods. Among them, chemical coating is one of the most commonly used methods, which can be coated with flame retardant materials on the surface of chemical fiber cloth to form a sealed flame retardant layer. These flame retardant materials can be phosphorus, nitrogen, silicon and other compounds, after treatment can absorb heat, inhibit the speed of chemical fiber burning, while releasing inert gases, to a certain extent, play a role in heat insulation and reduce harmful gases.

In addition to chemical coating, chemical fiber fabric can also improve its flame retardant performance by fiber denaturation and other methods. Fiber denaturation is the chemical or physical change of the fiber of the chemical fiber to make it have better thermal stability and flame retardant properties. For example, by silanizing and aminating chemical fiber, a layer of flame retardants such as siloxane or silamine can be produced on its surface, thereby improving the flame retardancy of the original chemical fiber. In addition, there is a liquid chemical fiber fabric, which can form a seamless, heat-stable liquid macromolecular structure at high temperatures through chemical treatment of the fiber of the chemical fiber fabric, thereby improving its high temperature resistance and flame retardant properties.

The application range of chemical fiber flame-retardant fabric is very wide, and it plays an important role in the fields of fireproof curtain wall, flame-retardant coating, fire isolation belt, heat and sound insulation materials. In addition, it has also been widely used in military, transportation, home and other fields. In the military, chemical fiber flame-retardant fabrics are widely used in military uniforms, body armor, protective clothing and other fields. In terms of transportation, chemical fiber flame-retardant fabric has become an essential material for transportation equipment such as aircraft and high-speed rail. In the field of home furnishing, chemical fiber fabric flame retardant fabric is used in a variety of fireproof curtains, sofa fabric, carpet and other interior decoration materials.

In general, chemical fiber fabric flame retardant fabric is a kind of synthetic fiber fabric with very excellent fire performance, and its application is wide, which plays an important role in improving personal safety and preventing fire accidents. In the future, the research and development of chemical fiber flame-retardant fabrics will continue to deepen, its performance will be more and more optimized, and the application field will be more extensive.

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